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Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: sudheshnaiyer
Dated: Thursday October 9 2008 - 22:36:40 BST

What will the following values do? I need to set the delay for opening the sub menus. I am trying to change the
values of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay and I don't see any difference.

_menuCloseDelay=111; ^M
_menuOpenDelay=111; ^


Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 10 2008 - 2:37:40 BST

The menu open and close delay works on vertical menus not horizontal menus. If you are using a horizontal menu you need to use horizontalMenuDelay. You can find an explantion here


Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: sudheshnaiyer
Dated: Friday October 10 2008 - 15:23:41 BST

Thank you for the reply.

I have the following defined in menu_data.js. But they don't seem to be working.

I need the submenus to open after certain delay. What I really need to do is to open submenus when the user pauses on
the menu item as opposed to simply sweeping across menus with their mouse. This is because I want to prevent misfires.

Is there any parameter that I can set to achieve the above.

Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 10 2008 - 17:22:11 BST


Well, I don't know that 190, or 150 would be very noticeable. They are milliseconds I believe so those are only around 1/100th to 2/100ths of a second. You might try setting the open delay higher since you seem to want a submenu to not open if the person just quickly passes the mouse over an item.

I also forgot to answer about the over and out filter. I'm not sure what you want to know about that. It is a built in menu coding for the Microsoft Internet Explorer Filters and Transitions properties. That code only shows anything in IE since those are proprietary to Microsoft and do not do anything in any other browsers. There's an interactive demo if you want to experiment

It's the first one. The numbers that appear in some of them are the, [again, I think it is milliseconds] time, or in the case of opacity percent of opacity that shows in the menu.

Hope this helps.


Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: sudheshnaiyer
Dated: Friday October 10 2008 - 18:15:35 BST

Thank you for being patiently answering my questions.

I changed them to:_menuCloseDelay=10000000000000000000;

But I still don't see any changes. I increased it open and close delays to 10 exp 16sec. But still no change. I am setting them
in the first few lines of menu_data.js. Is there anything else that I need to set along with the above setting to achieve
I need the submenus to open after certain delay. What I really need to do is to open submenus when the user pauses on
the menu item as opposed to simply sweeping across menus with their mouse. This is because I want to prevent misfires.

Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 10 2008 - 21:45:28 BST


I need a page with your menu on it to see what the problem is. I just tested this on my desktop set at 1500 for open and close and it is very obvious.


Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 10 2008 - 21:47:50 BST

Hmm, I just realized something, you have retain click value, are you setting this menu to open on click? If so, the delays will do nothing since the menu responds to the click action, not a mouseover.


Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: sudheshnaiyer
Dated: Monday October 13 2008 - 16:02:37 BST

I am not sure whether you can access my trial page on my local server since this is inside the firewall. I don't
want menu to open on click. I was trying all possible options and so added retainClickValue=1;. Even when I remove this
I don't see any difference.

My sample page:

This is happening in our production server also. So I want to fix it on local machine and apply the same changes on

In case if you can't access the page, I am attachig menu_data.js. Are there any other parameters that would conflict
with menuOpenDelay and menuOpenDelay=; What are all the params in all the files that I need to set to achive this?

I had my mouse on "Samples" and when I tried to select "Office 2003 menu", I accidentally dragged my mouse over "Milonic".
So Milonic menu got fired and Milonic submenu opened before I reach to "Office 2003 menu". User has to be extra extra
cautious not to drag the mouse over another horizantal menu, instead they have to drag down and traverse to side, which is
very cumbersome.

So I want Milonic submenu to be opened only when the user stays on Milonic menu for certain time.

Please find the attachement of js files.

Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: John
Dated: Monday October 13 2008 - 16:11:12 BST

Also note that 'horizontal' is spelled incorrectly...

Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday October 13 2008 - 20:18:11 BST

Great catch, John. I never even noticed that, and yes that is the problem.


Re: Need explanation of _menuCloseDelay and _menuOpenDelay

Poster: sudheshnaiyer
Dated: Tuesday October 14 2008 - 15:13:44 BST


Thank you very much for your support. I wouldn't have got this spelling mistake for a long time.

This solved the problem.