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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:15

change image onclick

Poster: shira
Dated: Thursday October 16 2008 - 10:24:45 BST


Im trying to change an image near menu item every time the item is clicked.
I have tried to use pagebgimage, pageimage, pagematch... but no luck.
What properties do I have to use?
Is there an example for it?


Re: change image onclick

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 16 2008 - 10:35:17 BST

I'm not sure what it is you want. Are you trying to change an item's image when you click it, or are you trying to change some image outside the menu when you click the item?


Re: change image onclick

Poster: shira
Dated: Thursday October 16 2008 - 10:57:04 BST

I have a menu with links like:
when I click the About I want the image near it to change, and when I click the home I want the image near the home to change and the image near the about to disappear.
I have 2 images, one - arrow_red, and one arrow_white, so I can switch between them.

Re: change image onclick

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 16 2008 - 14:42:05 BST

Well, I'm going to have to see the page to see what you want to do. Again, near it implies it is not part of the menu. Are you talking about what you see on the Milonic main site? For example, when you go to when you look at the menu, the Home item has a double red arrow next to it. If you open the about menu and click on About Us and go to that page the About Milonic doesn't change but, when you open the menu for that About Milonic, you'll see the double red arrow next to the About us. So, if that is what you mean, that is done with the page properties: pageimage, pagesubimage, pagebgimage and so on depending on if the image you're trying to change is a bgimage, image, or subimage. If you are using a click to open submenus and you want the image to change when you do that, then you can try using clickimage, clickbgimage, clicksubimage etc. Other than that, I will have to see the page with the menu on it to try and get what you want.


Re: change image onclick

Poster: shira
Dated: Thursday October 16 2008 - 14:48:57 BST

yes, the example you gave is exactly what I need.
I'vve tried all kinds of combinations but it didnt work out.
the page I change is in an iframe maybe that causes the problem?

Re: change image onclick

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 16 2008 - 17:43:46 BST

I need a link to the page to work on this, I can't do it from posts. If you can't link to the page, then you need to post all the code here, the html page, the menu data file, any css files
