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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:14

menu navigation within a modalDialog?

Poster: titanfus
Dated: Thursday December 4 2008 - 19:15:20 GMT

I'm newbie to this product and to this forum, so keep that in mind when reading this. :-) Here goes:

I am launching a modal dialog window using the following code:


Within the "1.html" <head> tag is this <base target="_self">, which makes the href links navigate within the modalDialog window just fine.

The "1.html" file also has an instance of the Version 5.810 DHTML menu in it. I have tried setting the various "target" attributes within my "menu_data.js" file to "_self" and "_top" but neither of these seems to work.

Any suggestions as to how I might get this to work?



Re: menu navigation within a modalDialog?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 5 2008 - 0:48:19 GMT


I've posted this to Milonic since I know nothing about ModalDialog windows. I do know a way you can do it, but without seeing your dialog window page to see the layout I don't know if you can do it without creating two pages. Anyway, if you put an iframe on the page, you can then target that iframe.

This means that if your modal dialog page has a lot of info what you'd need to do is create a page that just has the menu on it and an iframe with your dialog page as the src of the iframe and no menu on it. That's why I said I can't really tell you the complete how to without see the page that is in the modal dialog box. Perhaps Milonic will know more, I'll post back when I hear from them, or if you can post your html code for the modal page then I can figure out how to set it up with the iframe and post back.
