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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20

Menu BUG in Opera - maybe I'm on to something?

Poster: vikenk
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 20:42:14 GMT

Hello moderators,

The menu seems to have a bug in Opera related to <body> margins. In the past, I've noticed that the submenu's were coming up in weird places when I used the menu in Opera.

Ruth replied to a previous post of mine and mentioned that the menu seemed to be applying the body margin to the submenu. She suggested that I not style the body tag, but create a style called body and apply it. I couldn't do that on the site I was working on at the time, so I changed all body margins to padding and that took care of the problem.

Now I'm updating another site and I see the bug in the latest version of the menu, but creating a "class" didn't help. In these next two examples you'll notice that the margins are not only applied to the main menu, but to the submenus as well..

The first example shows the body tag styled directly:

In the second example I've made a style for the body and applied it to the body tag.

In both cases, there are no style sheets or anything else to interfere with the menu. Again, this only happens in Opera. I'm using the latest version of Opera and the Menu.

I think I may have discovered a bug that needs to be looked at. Ignoring body margins to satisfy Opera can be pretty restrictive when it comes to web design.

You can see another current example as well. At you'll see that I had to apply a negative margin to the site's home page to accomodate the holiday message. This renders the menu almost totally off the page in Opera, but not in other browsers. I have chosen to live with it that way since it's only temporary.

Any additional troubleshooting suggestions are welcome. You never know if I may be overlooking something that proves that it's NOT a bug.

Viken K.

"menu" bug

Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 21:56:29 GMT


before reporting that there is somewhere a bug, i recommend the following:

- log in at Opera FAQ / Forum and register there.
- study all the "bug" posts and reports and read the logframe on amendments for the next version opera 9

I wonder if you are then, after that, still reporting on "bugs", when Opera is used as a browser. For the website I am administering, e.g. I recommend to avoid Opera, present version 8.51. This, of course cannot exclude "bugs" somewhere else, but .............errare humanum est.


Poster: vikenk
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 23:59:52 GMT

Hi Michael,

I'm not exacly blaming bug on the menu, but I'd like to find out whether it is in the menu or not. The "bug" could be in Opera software and not in the menu, but I'm curious if the Milonic people know about this behavior and are doing anything about it. In fact, the menu often acts quirky in Opera and I have to be careful about Opera when designing. I'm sure that part of the problem is within Opera.

It's hard to always use "padding" and ignore margin values when incorporating the menu in a website. It makes design somewhat harder.

I'm finding out new things about this menu system every day, and I love learning about it!

Still, though, if Milonic has a fix for this Opera "bug", I'd like to know what it is.

'Till next time...

Viken K.