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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22

IFRAME and positioning of submenus

Poster: Migru
Dated: Monday December 12 2005 - 17:31:42 GMT

Hi again

I am reflecting about the task to display an additional menu inside the iframe, but want to show a submenu (display an image only) outside the iframe. Is there a way to get that achieved? Should be, but how to address the target?

If you have the solution, would be very much appreciated, thank you !


PS: I would like to be more precise. For this I have prepared a sample:

There you can find five menus, the "blue styled", the "Willkommen", the "yellow styled" , one in the iframe and one below the frame.

Here I would like to focus on the "Willkommen" (=Welcome, German) menu and the one within the iframe.

If you hover the mouse on "Willkommen" and click you can see a menu similar to that in the iframe. But the two are different. The first one works and the other one not as wanted.
On top: when moving the mouse pointer (please do not click), corresponding logos are displayed next to the websites title.

I would like to show the logos exactly there too, when the mouse pointer is moved over the menu in the IFRAME. Have my difficulties. Need help.
left= ; and top= ; won´t do anything. And positioning seems to be possible within the iframe but no outside the iframe.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 13 2005 - 4:47:55 GMT

There is no menu showing in the iframe. The paths to the images are incorrect.

If you are saying you want to mouseover the menu in the iframe, when you get it to show up, and have that menu trigger the menu on the page in which the iframe is placed, as far as I know there is no way to do that. Not if you put the menu in the iframe. Just because it is 'on the page' that iframe is still a frame, and the menu would be on a different page, so you would be asking it to trigger a submenu that's on a different page than the main menu.

I hope that made sense. One question, will that menu always be on whatever pages are in the iframe?


Iframe etc.

Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday December 13 2005 - 8:06:00 GMT


I am sorry, that is distressing, there is an error somewhere,but I just tested, and there is a menu....but correct, it is not visible in the IE !!! , but in FF only it is.... I will look into that and report as soon as I get it back "in operation".

To your question:
I have prepared two, exactly three versions of the startup file, depending on the monitor resolution the visitor of the website has. If there is not enough space i.e. when the resoulution (screen height) is not high enough, then a version starts, where two of three menus on top are not visible. I have tested that with FF and IE, having three different monitors on my desk. So in the case, where I have to "switch off" the "Welcome menu" (an English version is in progress too) I would like to show that menu below in the iframe, but in one file only. If there is no way to "showmenu" outside the iframe I will not waste my time and just display what I want in the iframe only.

Nevertheless that system is great and I will definitely buy two of them to be used on two different sites. (Building one of my own too).

Thank you for your reply
It is not the first time, it seems that I would like to do something impossible.


Hi again

Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday December 13 2005 - 8:34:01 GMT

Did some "quick" repair.
The menu was in a table and something not properly specified.
Took it out from the table and placed it on top, first combining the two files.

You can see that now in IE . That what "pops up" (by "showmenu") below, originally I wanted to display on top of the (calling) file just next to the headline.

Thanks again for looking into that.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 13 2005 - 22:56:44 GMT


As far as I know there is no way to do that as you have it set up. You are trying to get a menu on one page to show the submenu on another page. Kind of like frames, you'd have to use that kind of set up, frames.

However, I have a suggestion.

You said that you had different menu files that loaded based on resolution so some of the pages don't have the Welcome part. Instead of eliminating that, why not make a different menu file to load for different resolutions, make a smaller image for lower resolution say 774x60 and make menu for that which would call a corporate menu that would drop below it when clicked.

THis would be named embedded_menu_02_sm.js

with(milonic=new menuname("mainmenu1_sm")){
aI("bgimage=wk_cloud_sm.gif;overbgimage=wk_sunrise_sm.gif;align=center;openonclick=1;showmenu=corporate-sm;itemwidth=772px;itemheight=60;text=Willkommen bei der DHyG;separatorsize=1")

The file for the submenu would be menu_data_mem2_sm.js and would have the corporate-sm menu which would be coded

with(milonic=new menuname("corporate-sm")){
THis would make the submenu drop directly below the Willkommen bei der DHyG menu and over the top of the iframe.

I tested this by cutting the top 40px and the bottom 9px from each image and then resizing only the height to 60px. If you want the images I can put them up.



Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday December 14 2005 - 7:23:52 GMT

Hi Ruth

--- astonishing, what you are doing ! I will see and try. I am doing all of this on an honorary basis and spent a little bid too much time for this during the past weeks. But I will continue soon ..had similar ideas (and some others too) but "learning" and studying menu details, and at the same time implementing them , these are two different things. Anyhow, I will follow your suggestion and make a test version here to see if "I like it". I like the "sunrise" effect and hope it will not be lost or narrowed, when the image is cut. Will see. The advantage of the "Welcome" menu as it is, was or is, that someone may just play by clicking one by one of the logos and having an idea about the firms or institutes details which are displayed in the iframe, without any overlapping and disturbing effects of opening and closing of the menu . This, I think, has to be considered too (and of course, the fact that this is not at all possible, when that menu itself is in the iframe, I have to drop that idea).

Thanks again



PS: The originals of these images I photographed on the Atlantic Ocean, the images are 1600 pixels wide !

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday December 14 2005 - 17:40:50 GMT

Hi Michael,

Well, the suggestion I made would only have the other menu file load if it were a lower resolution, so it would be the same as you have now in all other cases. And, when I tested it, the iframe was still visible so I'd think the info would be viewable.

There was also a function posted a long time ago about being able to use Milonic's click function to show and hide multiple divs. I don't know how to do any of this but it might be something you could use, if you can understand what the person is posting about the function. ... 8864#18864



Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday December 14 2005 - 18:41:08 GMT

Hi Ruth,

infact, this might be useful. (stored the link)
Thank you for your assistance, it is mighty fine to have that.


iframe etc.

Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday December 15 2005 - 9:48:39 GMT

Hi Ruth,

It seems to be rearranged now, your suggestion was ok !! Reduced the size of the iframe too (just a little) and minimized the foot note, specified a border around that menu. There has to be done some additional "fine - tuning" (css, styles, frame width and table width etc.) but on principle it is ok. Thanks a lot again, great help.
