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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24

5.3 horizontal position

Poster: Maz
Dated: Saturday July 19 2003 - 1:50:32 BST

I keep updating and waiting for the next release.
Still cannot position the horizontal menu on the page in any version 5.
eg. center; 50px from top; 100% width would be nice.
"center","middle"; to "center"; only sets the menu centered to the top of the page.
Remove "center","middle"; completely and it sits left/top.

Top and left positioning in pixels is doing nothing.

I'm making these changes in the (horizontal) menu downloaded as is, before making any other changes.

Someone please tell me exactly how to set 50px from top, centered, 100% and I'll retest on the original menu, or please tell me there is a fix?

On this old mac

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday July 23 2003 - 4:11:25 BST

OK some ideas, give them a shot....for v5

in your MAIN MENU STYLE put the following line as the last option:

in your MAIN MENU DECLARATION which USES the main menu style, put the line:
and COMMENT OUT any mention of left=XX;

and then in each item in the main menu, put
itemwidth=10%; as your first option in the aI if you have ten items, put 20% if you have 5.

Those first two options gave me a menu that was centered on the screen and was however many pixels from the top of the window as I specified in the main menu's TOP property.
The last option gave me funny results. It doesn't read the values exactly as you'd think so you may have to play around to get the right things going. But it DOES recognize the percentages because I resize my IE6 browser and the menu shrinks and grows with it.

Best of luck!! Andy...any thoughts?

Poster: Maz
Dated: Thursday July 24 2003 - 2:45:15 BST

Thanks for trying :)
The menu is still not moving down from the top of the page.
If that was a v5.4 I just noticed... I'll try again.

n.b. was a little confused by the align you mentioned vs alignment, I tried both. It does center. The 20% x 5 did not cover 100% and I tried both methods.

Thank you :|

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Thursday July 24 2003 - 5:13:54 BST

Make sure your main menu, not style, has its TOP property set to a value thats noticable. ie 50 And make sure its an integer, like TOP=50; not TOP="50".

You are going to have to play with the itemwidths to hopefully find a solution. I said 20% might not work, even with 5 items because I am unsure as to how its reading and rendering those values. Something I've done in the past is make the menu centered, but place it over a horizontal bar of the same color and look that extends 100%. Place the menu directly over it and it will blend in with the color bar and appear to stretch across the entire window.

BTW, you dont have the menu called in any tables right? Cuz that would impede its positioning. You're calling it from the beginning of the body of your doc?